Saturday 28 August 2010

Thank christ it was'nt (...thanks jesus)

After all the recent set-backs I was mortified to see what looked like a Cockroach in my sink a few days ago.... only to come down from the chair and turn the police back when i saw it was actually a Shield bug.
I painted a quick image of poor sod as well as a sketch.
Sai is tha best. :3

Thursday 26 August 2010

Lost pages

Here is a page of a storyboard I was setting up in summer.
The page was not used so hopefully no one will complain if i show it over the wires.
Sally, did you get the address in the end you hopeless doodler?
(Must dig out some viciously cheerful music to rescue the day. London Electricity perhaps?)


Wednesday 25 August 2010

Kon Satoshi passed away.

Abit shaken to read about Satoshi Kons death recently.
Was in the middle of Paranoia agent and had watched Tokyo Godfathers again last week including an interview with the master.

His thought processes and social commentary were exceptional, and his work was influencing me more with each passing year.

Thursday 12 August 2010

and what did i do this morning again?

harsh, after sorting paperwerks out i started to get some art done but time has ambushed me again.
will post SB and misc art tomorow.

Tuesday 10 August 2010

I have return'd

like a phoenix rising from something, back to filling these sites with werks.
as it is just about still summer i am going with a horror theme (which rather suits my state of mind of late.)
more to emerge - slightly tougher, hungrier and deader - soon!