Wednesday 4 November 2009

beast~chain series

artwork from the beast~chains project.
must scan and fiddle more of the pieces that accompany it.
also still flitting between accursed potoshop and the most blessed Sai.
more when i rise from the mire of my sleepy brain.

great lizard

mendoza mendoza!!

a small practice piece that I used in my 'dawn infinite' project. just thought i would chuck it on to see how this re-jigged layout works.
(more london freaks in the library today, god have mercy on them)

Tuesday 27 October 2009

sega V8 classic

a sketch from a couple of months ago. there was lizard to go with it but the pencil used was rather innapropriate for scan material.

Thursday 8 October 2009

near dukes avenue

an image of some autumn flowers using Sai.
(for devorah)

Friday 2 October 2009


Erm, does anyone know how to set up the 'slideshow' feature to run Mynetimage galleries?
dont want flickeR

Sai painting: 'The Grave', russian gangster

Ah, another hour long photo replication piece for my old chum mr.Simpsonia.

Trickier than I thought it would be because of flesh tones in low light.

Good fun mind.

Cover image for my 'Dawn Infinite' proposal.

Must stop leaving my plants out in the cold.

Heh heh, amazingly I managed to send off my competition entry last week and despite some horrid printing and a ban on colour I am glad I fulfilled all requirements.
Ok, now to resume normal (that will need re-thinking) service.
Storyboarding exercises are also in the werks.

Thursday 10 September 2009

Young swan on Muswell pond.

Leaving the city behind.

crimson roses bloomed last night

ack! end of summer.
Was a really good one too.
I thought there was a cruel wintery breeze passing through my flat this morning... then realised i was sitting behind my computers fan.

Tuesday 11 August 2009

chara design from last year.

School picture from my time in Hogwarts

A Dr assasin piece for tonio hope smith

pheonix crawling out of flames (coughing)

jesuuuusss, (who died for our sins) now back to some dang postings. I wanted a much larger image put on today but the website said it was too big (i get that a lot from people, heh heh) so here are a set of slightly older but kinda fun pieces.

Friday 5 June 2009

acorn gals are back

the cat returns

yow, I have been iching to put more stuff up for the last week but have been busy as well as lacking usb support on computers used.
Some simple things going up today and more to hopefully follow soon.

Wednesday 20 May 2009

Rather odd self portrait.

perhaps for mechanic Will?

cant remember why I was doing these.

arch welder

Bonjour, a wolf and some faintly technical illustrations I did a while ago coming right up.

Little one for the kids

kiddy gothic


hmm, next is a piece I worked on with a client where I was tasked with "inking" and colouring a shabby line sketch.
I was in a bit of a hurry but I think it turned out reasonably well. There was a version I did with the character in blue but I didn't make a composite with the BG as in this case. Good practice.
(shame about the derivative Burtonesque art)

pritty please in action

Updatage (french for update)

right, now starting to get withdrawal symptoms when i don't put more images in the gallery/site (i suppose that must be good)
So i have a handful being dealt soon beginning this morning with an image of a character I drew for an old writer friend. Pritty herself!

Friday 15 May 2009

malign spirit

Quick 'painting' from window

Friday humidity.

k, k. (that's asby internet speak for Okay)
more variety to the collection today, old and new pieces.
Todays aggravation was some old git in the library who seemed incapable of breathing quietly,( i was on the verge of performing a library card tracioctomy)
I must work on my levels of social understanding.... more ninpo incantations tonight then.

birthday girl

the doctor considers amputation.

Wednesday 13 May 2009

get a job!

arial, ariel, airial.... no I give up.

The days businesseseses.

Rightow, today I have posted an old image I prepared for a friend who wanted an illustrated business card. ('allo Jim)
He didnt opt for this one the rotter.
Next up is a small town view I sketched and thought awfully cute, and finally a character (of about 12 others) that I designed for someone doing game proposal documents a couple of years ago. Hoodlum without a cause.
I really do despise people who chew gum without closing their gob. they should be put in special camps... and maybe gassed a bit.

potoshop mania

Friday 8 May 2009

My scanner is bust... or feeling nostalic.

The valley's of my birthplace.

another one for the album....

The last image was a simple paint test from quite a while ago that heralded my conversion to digital artism.
I still like it though i had no idea what i was doing.

Wednesday 6 May 2009

another potoshop test piece


...erm, so why cant I post an image in the same action as text?

Not long to go on my guest pass, still - it makes for some artificial exitement...woooh


neo image postage

More images to compile..... compile, compile, where did they go?
I miss them so.

Saturday 2 May 2009


who the fu?

right, try an androgynous lab engineer.
piece of concept work for a super secret client.

weekend updatage

okay, now i have a vague grasp of this gubbins i am into the blugasphere, or whatever the phrase is.
I have a fair old backlog (so THATS where the word 'blog' comes from) of art-work to prep for this site so please bare with me until i move more substantial pieces over.
The work will be of various ages and be of both digital and analogue origin.
Currently listening to Hardfloor... makes me feel all hightech.
One day i too will roam the internets like Motoko Kusanagi.


Friday 1 May 2009


Now in the process of setting up this blogsitething and about to fill it with works of wonder and majesty... or at least some of my art-work.
Many thanks (big ups?) to Ed clews of Pagetypol fame.