Thursday 29 September 2011

......power cycle

a small example of mech design that i used to do quite a bit...

Go on guv, gimme the gig!

i suppose faux fifties is in at the moment. (i could do dat, right?)

What is a chalkfarm?

chancing upon a wise beauty on a mild spring evening, lock tav.

Did this ages ago Kay but only decided to place it on the pages recently.

It was from memory by the way so it is incorrect in all sorts of details.

the legend says....

Monday 5 September 2011

Friday 2 September 2011

Thursday 25 August 2011

isolated selfish

ack, after a serious gap of non practice i am delving back into sai and will probably scan in some recent sketches.

So here is a quick painting to try and get the lead out. (i feel like there is some in my neck at the moment)